Tag Archives: fairytales

Everyday Fairytales

We have been taught

That fairy tales aren’t true.

And don’t get me wrong;

They probably aren’t

Not the way you have been taught to think,

Especially if you have been looking

Through the spectroscope  of the world.

Nobody gets to sleep a hundred years,

Or wear glass slippers.

And princess do not marry paupers,

Neither do princes, for the record.

May be that’s all there is to fairy tale, for you.

But what about the time,

When you disobey the rule

And reach for something that makes you happy?

What about when you go

Out of the society for a while,

To live in peace?

And you stand next to people you love,

Stand for them against the odds?

When you have the power to do some good,

Aren’t these fairy tales that do come true?

I won’t tell you what to believe,

Believe what you will,

But I hope someday you find,

Everyday fairy tales to make you smile.