Tag Archives: writers

Gratitude to my readers

When I started writing this blog, I didn’t believe for a minute that anyone would read it. For me, it was a personal dare. Was I brave enough to let the world see the words that I put together.

But Amar Shobdo has surpassed my expectations of it. And along they way it has reached out to some people. Some people, readers, I don’t know and I will probably never meet, found something in my words to connect to. Sometimes my readers leave behind comments that move me too. It humbles me to know that someone, somewhere out there knows the best and the worst parts of me.

For a self-proclaimed writer, I have never been very good at responding to these beautiful words people leave for me. I can’t always express, without sounding a bit hollow, how much their encouragement means to me. I fall back to platitudes, not because I don’t acknowledge their words, but because too often I am at a loss of those myself.

So this post is for all my readers. When I had said that if my words reach you, leave me a shobdo or two, I was not really expecting any response. But thank you anyways for doing so. Thank you for taking the time to pause and say how my words made you feel. My sister is a painter and she tells me she doesn’t know how people see her art. I realized while doing this blog, that I don’t know how people see my words either. So when I see even one person getting something out of it, that makes me content.

I haven’t done a lot of things in my life. But now because of all of you who read my work, I can say that I have reached out to people. May be for one day, one moment my words was in perfect sync with your worlds, worlds I know nothing of.

When I started Amar Shobdo, I thought it was my shobdo I was putting out in the cosmos. But my wonderful readers, thank you for teaching me that it is your shobdos that reach back to me and motivate me, console me, and even comfort me. Thank you for imparting this beautiful lesson to me!